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What if the materials I ordered are out of stock?

If you place an order for an item that is out of stock, we will have to get more stock from our suppliers. This typically takes just a few days, and occasionally longer (1-3 weeks), if our supplier is also out of stock. We will promptly email you with an update of the status of your order and we will ask you if you would like us to wait for your out of stock items to arrive in the store, or if you would like us to ship any items that are currently in stock and then send the others separately (this will incur additional shipping costs).   

Sometimes we may have only a limited quantity of a certain item available at a sale price. If we run out of stock of a sale priced item, we may not be able to get more at that sale price. In this case, we reserve the right to cancel your order, or offer you the item at regular price.