Disciples Don't Just Happen!
There's a lot of talk about discipleship these days. But how are we doing at fulfilling Christ's
Great Commission to "Go...make Disciples?" Veteran disciple maker Ron Bennett asks church
ministries three questions to help them evaluate their progress:
What impact is your church having on the culture in which is lives?
How effective is your church in populating heaven?
Are the lives of believer radically changed as a result of their encounter with Christ and your
A disciplemaking church significantly impacts its members and its environment. But how does
the church make disciples? Disciples don't just happen. They're developed through intentional
planning and the effort of the community of believers.
For years, Ron Bennett has worked closely with churches that want to make disciples. He
helps them understand what a biblical disciple of Christ looks like and works with them to create
an environment geared specifically toward developing disciples. That includes developing specific
goals to bring believers to spiritual maturity - to discipleship.
You, too, can make disciples in your church. But it won't just happen. You need to decide what
you're going to do and how to do it. Here's help for churches that want to make disciples - on
1. Arrested Spiritual Development?
2. Discipleship Blueprints
3. Transformation versus Conformation
4. Evangelism Unpacked
5. Overcoming Barriers
6. Discipleship Dynamics
7. Authentic Leadership
8. Ministering Beyond Your Means