To Run and Not Grow Tired Print this pagePrint this page
To Run and Not Grow Tired
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Author: Fran Sciacca
Publisher: Navpress
We have 1 copies left. This title is now out of print and cannot be re-ordered.


Running the race is not without its stops and starts.
Sometimes you hit rough spots, and things like resentment, guilt, or disappointment drag you down. If you've sustained some inner wounds and you're not sure how to deal with them, take time to retore your soul by looking at the lives of twelve Bible characters who struggled to keep running when they were faced with adversity.

Table of Contents:
   1.Hannah: Coping with criticism
   2.Peter: Failing someone you love
   3.Sarah: Misplaced hope
   4.Cain: Self-pity - doorway to destruction
   5.Jezebel: Appetite for control over others
   6.Paul: Dealing with your past
   7.Martha: Threat of resentment
   8.King Saul: Desire for notoriety
   9.Ten Spies: Corrosive power of negativism
  10.Joseph: Victim or victor?
  11.Jesus: Facing the death of someone you love
  12.Holy Spirit: a misunderstood "counselor"?

