Beginning With Christ Booklet Print this pagePrint this page
Beginning With Christ Booklet
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Author: The Navigators
Publisher: Navpress
ISBN: 9781617479588
Pages: 16
Year Printed:

If you have to the best of your knowledge received Jesus Christ, God's Son, as your own Savior, you have become a child of God in whom Jesus Christ dwells. Too many people make the mistake of measuring the certainty of their salvation by their feelings. Don't make that tragic mistake.

Believe God! Take him at his word: "I write these thing to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life" (1 John 5:13).

As a new Christian, you will need to consider the enemy you now face -- Satan, who may not have troubled you before you trusted God. Having left Satan's crowd and joined with God, you are no longer in Satan's domain, but you belong to Christ, who has bought and paid for you with a price -- his own blood shed of the cross.

Satan will try to trouble you. You can overcome him only as you use the weapons God has provided in Scripture. The word of God is the sword of the spirit -- our weapon. Faith is our shield, our defense. Christ quoted Scripture to defend himself against temptation by Satan, and if He needed to memorize God's word, so do you!

Included in this booklet are Bible memory verse cards.

1. Assurance of Salvation
2. Assurance of Answered Prayer
3. Assurance of Victory
4. Assurance of Forgiveness
5. Assurance of Guidance
6. How to Memorize Scripture

