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Jesus Changes Women
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Author: Helene Ashker
Publisher: Navpress
ISBN: 9781576830772
Pages: 63
Year Printed:
1 copy remaining in stock - Title is out of print.

Book Dimensions: 14 x 21 1/2 cm.
Is Your Faith Growing?
There are many different kinds of Christians - some are vibrant and growing, others are barely surviving. The good news is that God desires growth for all of His children and has provided everything we need to grow in Him.

Jesus Changes Women examines the various elements of spiritual growth and helps women discover how to grow strong in their faith. By looking at the lives of biblical women like Deborah, Mary, Hannah, and others, you'll learn to: root yourself in God's love, center your life on Christ, nourish your faith with Scripture, enjoy fellowship and much more.

If you want your faith to grow and blossom, this Bible study will help you learn what it means to become more like Jesus in today's world.


1. THE SOIL - The Love of God
2. THE STEM - Jesus Christ: the Center of Life
3. THE FIRST LEAF - The Bible: God's Love Letter
4. THE SECOND LEAF - Prayer: Our Vital Link to God
5. THE THIRD LEAF - Fellowship: Loving Others with Jesus' Love
6. THE FOURTH LEAF - Sharing Our Faith: Jesus' Link to the Lost
7. THE BLOSSOM - Obedience: the Key to Personal Growth
8. THE ENVIRONMENT - Spiritual Growth: an Overview

