LifeGuide - Galatians Print this pagePrint this page
LifeGuide - Galatians
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Author: Jack Kuhatschek
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
ISBN: 830810110
Pages: 64
Year Printed: 1986
Why God Accepts Us
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Discussion Leader's Section
Participant Preparation time: Recommended min.
Group Discussion time: 60 - 90 min.
Difficulty Level: Growing Believers
Leader's Guide: Included
Book Dimensions: 14 x 21 cm.
12 Studies for Individuals or Groups

We all want to be accepted - by our family, by our friends and most of all by God. But so often people accecpt us only if we are attractive, smart, wealthy or powerful. And God's standards seem even higher. We think we must work harder, live better, pray longer and witness to more people to get on God's good side. In Galatians Paul challenges this kind of thinking. He exposes the futility of trying to earn God's acceptance when we are already accepted in Christ.

  1. Good News and Bad
  2. Why Believe the Gospel?
  3. Accepting Others
  4. Why God Accepts Us
  5. Exposing Our Needs
  6. The Joys of Growing Up
  7. Do-It-Yourself Religion
  8. A Severe Warning
  9. Living by the Spirit
  10. The Law of Love
  11. Getting Motivated
  12. Galatians Today

