Know The Word
Almost everyone agrees that daily Bible reading is an essential part of our walk with God.
Yet many of us would probably admit that we don't read the Bible as often as we would like. For
some, the Bible can feel boring and irrelevant to today's fast-paced culture. For others, the
strange names, foreign places, and puzzling stories can leave us feeling frustrated. And because
reading it can feel like a chore, we find ourselves cracking our Bible open only on Sunday
Th1nk Books presents The Bible: Think for Yourself About What's Inside, an
easy-to-understand resource that illuminates the relevance of the most-studied book in human
history. With a conversational approach and refreshing perspective, this resource provides an
accessible study of many of the nuances of Scripture.
Inside you'll find answers to tough questions, essential biblical high-lights, and a
chapter-by-chapter reading plan that will guide you on your journey through the Word. Whether
you're new to the Scriptures or have studied them for years, The Bible is an invaluable resource
for understanding and taking delight in God's Word.
- The Law
- The Former Prophets
- the Latter Prophets
- The Writings
- The Good News
- Letters from Home