Be Loved.
Unique to the other three Gospels, John's firsthand account serves to explain how Christ is the
fulfillment of the Old
Testament and the reason for the New Testament. John's narrative tells
the greatest love story in history, connecting the dots from Genesis to Revelation. Learn
something new from his fresh and very personal perspective.
TH1NK: LifeChange Series
God's Word slices away layers of pretense from our lives to show us how we can be more like
Christ. Relevant and fast-paced, the Th1nk: LifeChange series is made up of in-depth books
studies that help you understand the context and meaning of the Bible so you can apply it to your
For the word of God is living and active. sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates
even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the
- Hebrews 4:12
- Preconceived Notions
- The Meaning of Words
- The Beginning of Miracles
- The Pharisees Sniff Out Jesus
- Opportunity Knocks in Samaria
- Opposition Begins
- Newness and Life
- Light, Sin, and Judgement
- Rejection and Ressurrection
- Back to Jerusalem
- Last Words
- Arrest, Trial, Tortue, Execution
- Life and Beyond