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Author: Chris Kovac Publisher: Navpress ISBN: 9781600063121 Pages: 165 Year Printed: 2009 The Mission Continues..Course in sharing your faith workbook
More than 90 percent of churchgoers today don�t
feel prepared to share their faith. Are you one of them? Acts 29 is a workbook that teaches you
how to effectively communicate the gospel. With a Bible study, memorization tools, faith steps,
and discussion and accountability guidelines, it removes intimidation and awkwardness, allowing
you to share the gospel while respecting others.
When the curtain falls in Acts we find the Apostle Paul living in a rented house in Rome
waiting to stand trial. While under house arrest, he is free to welcome all visitors: He
welcomed everyone who came to visit. He urgently presented all matters of the kingdom of God.
He explained everything about Jesus Christ. His door was always open. (Acts 28:30-31
MSG). This free proclamation in Rome indicates that the gospel is prepared to move from the
centre of the Roman Empire to the ‘ends of the earth.’ It is fitting that the book of
Acts should end here, with Paul still engaged in the missionary task given him by God, on the
road to Damascus, because the story of Acts has not ended. It continues with us until Jesus
himself returns to bring it to completion.
Acts 29 is a proven course designed to equip believers to share the good news of
Jesus Christ.