Why did Jesus die? What does the
self-substitution of God mean? How does Christ's death serve as satisfaction for sin? Based on
Stott's best-selling The Cross of Christ, 13 lessons explore our worship, call to mission, ability to
love our enemies, and need to face our suffering---all in light of the cross. Includes leader's
Christian faith is centered in the cross. And the Christian life is likewise rooted in the cross.
The studies in this guide are designed to bring us to the heart of the cross with an understanding
of what was accomplished there on our behalf.
We begin with an individual perspective but move on from there into a deeper understanding
of what it means to live as a community under the cross. Our worship, our call to mission, our
ability to love our enemies and to face the perplexities of suffering--the cross transforms
everything! These studies provide the ever-increasing understanding of the cross needed by every
Getting the Most Out of The Cross
- The Centrality of the Cross
- Why Did Christ Die?
- Looking Below the Surface
- The Problem of Forgiveness
- Satisfaction for Sin
- Ransomed by God
- Justified
- The Revelation of God
- The Conquest of Evil
- The Community of Celebration
- Self-Understanding and Self-Giving
- Loving Our Enemies
- Suffering and Glory