We believe a lot of false narratives about the nature of God, things
like "God helps those who help themselves"; "God blesses the righteous";
"God might not be out for your good, and you might be missing
something." But pastor and professor James Bryan Smith points us to the
truth of who God is, revealed by Jesus: A God who loves to help the
helpless. A God who doesn't play favorites, whether righteous or
unrighteous. A God who is, in his essence, self-sacrificing--even to
death--to save a people he loves.
In six short chapters, The Kingdom and the Cross zooms in on
Christ's work on the cross and what it all means about who God is and
how we're to live as his people. A soul training exercise is included
for each chapter to help the new true narrative take root in our hearts.
And a discussion guide at the end makes this complement to The
Apprentice Series perfect for groups to work through together,
especially during the season of Lent.
Understanding Christ's work on the cross is crucial for any
apprentice of Jesus. Here is a resource to help you see--and
believe--more fully, that you might live more faithfully in his kingdom.
1 The Economy of the Kingdom
Soul Training: Gazing on the Trinity Icon
2 A God Who Seeks Our Good
Soul Training: Looking Out for the Good of Others
3 The Grace of the Incarnation
Soul Training: Gazing on the Cheek-to-Cheek Icon
4 God Emptied Himself
Soul Training: Watching The Passion of the Christ
5 No Greater Love
Soul Training: Gazing on the Pieta
6 The Deeper Magic
Soul Training: Watching The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Appendix: Small Group Discussion Guide