LifeChange Series - 1&2 Samuel Print this pagePrint this page
LifeChange Series - 1&2 Samuel
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Author: The Navigators
Publisher: Navpress
ISBN: 9781615217342
Year of Publication: 2012
Pages: 183
Subtitle: A Life-changing Encounter with God's Word

Things look bleak for Israel: Military attacks threaten from the outside while moral corruption destroys from within. But God will use three men to guide the nation through these difficult times into the next stage of His perfect plan. Samuel, the prophet; Saul, the first king; David, a man after God's own heart, are great examples of what we should and shouldn't do as Christians today. Explore the books of 1 and 2 Samuel to learn about the establishment of monarchy in Israel, understand the rich spiritual legacy David has left us, and see how God is always sovereign, both in history and in the lives of individuals.


Introduction - 1 Samuel: A Kingdom Born
  1. Samuel's Rise (1 Samuel 1-7)
  2. Saul's Rise (1 Samuel 8-15)
  3. David's Rise (1 Samuel 16-18)
  4. Escapes (1 Samuel 19-26)
  5. Further Flight and Battle (1 Samuel 27-31)

Introduction - 2 Samuel: A Kingdom in Crisis

  1. The Chosen King Enthroned (2 Samuel 1-5)
  2. A Covenant Forever (2 Samuel 6-9)
  3. A Turning Point of Sin (2 Samuel 10-14)
  4. Rebellions (2 Samuel 15-20)
  5. Deliverance Remembered (2 Samuel 21-24)

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