Listening to God Workbook Print this pagePrint this page
Listening to God Workbook
Price: $4.00 $4.20 with TAX

Author: People Resources Team
Publisher: Navigators
Year of Publication: Revised 2013
Pages: 12
Subtitle: Developing Greater Intimacy with God by Listening to Him

Discipleship from the inside out - Ministries, materials, and approaches especially designed to help today's people with areas of life that are hidden below the surface.

A step-by-step guide to help someone learn to listen to God.

Listening Prayer is spending time alone with Jesus in a dialogue where one expresses his or her heart to Him but also waits and listens for His gentle whisper. In John 14:29 Jesus said "I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it." Since Jesus depended on the Father to indicate what and how He was to say things, shouldn't we follow His example?


  1. Two Foundation Realities in Listening to God  (A: The Importance of God's Presence  B: The Importance of the Living Voice of God)
  2. We Are Influenced by Many Voices
  3. How Does God Speak?
  4. Cautions
  5. How to Know If It Is God
  6. Learning to Listen to God
  7. Preparation for Listening to God
  8. Listening to God Exercise
  9. Listening to God Word Hand
  10. Listening to God Applications                                         

