Walk With Me : Simple Principles for Everyday Disciplemaking Print this pagePrint this page
Walk With Me : Simple Principles for Everyday Disciplemaking
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Author: Bill Mowry
Publisher: Moody
ISBN: 9780802420299
Year of publication: 2021
Pages: 179
Subtitle: Simple principles for everyday disciplemaking


Have we over complicated, over systematized, and over formalized making disciples?

When our hearts are changed by Christ, it's natural that we should want to help others come to know Him too. And while Scripture clearly sets forth how to do so, modern Western society has formalized, professionalized, and systemized disciplemaking to a point that it seems too complicated to practice. What happened to the simple, heart-to-heart ministries of the New Testament?

In Walk with Me, you'll return to the essential biblical practices that help people grow as Christ-followers in simple, slow, and deep ways. Learn how you can connect with your neighbors, coworkers, or anyone you want to reach with the gospel in ways that are relational and Spirit-led. You'll learn five kingdom principles that will reshape how you can pass on the faith:

  • In heart-to-heart ways
  • By keeping it simple
  • By going slow
  • By building deep
  • By living on mission
BILL MOWRY (M.A., Ohio State University) has a passion for creating ministry cultures where relational disciplemaking is the norm. Bill and wife Peggy serve on staff with The Navigators Church Ministries in Columbus, Ohio. Both are avid yardeners and Peggy is a certified Master Gardener. Bill and Peggy have two adult children, two special grandchildren, and a coon hound named Ginger. They live on Above and Beyond Acres where they want to create a little place of beauty in a fallen world where people can reflect on the goodness of God. Bill is a published author in culture building, evangelism, and disciplemaking. You can contact Bill at his website: www.alongsider.com.

"I've gotten to know Bill over the past few years and seen him present at conferences. I've appreciated how he presents what a disciple is and does. Bill is a wonderful communicator that shares discipleship principles and actions in ways that  are attainable and doable. These principles come out in his latest book, Walk With Me: Simple principles for everyday disciplemaking. He often uses personal stories that are very relatable that illustrate these principles.  As i read through the book - I kept thinking - I could do that!  So can you! A practical and inspiring book for all disciplemakers!"
Dennis Funk, Navigators of Canada Church Partnering Coordinator.


Walk with me
Walk with me