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Author: Kenny Luck
Publisher: Navpress
ISBN: 9781631468988
Year of Publication: 2023
Pages: 256
Subtitle:  Setting the Holy Spirit loose in the world you live in

Men: Do you realize that God can be found wherever you are—where you work, work out, live, play, and pray?

According to Acts 2, God is in you—the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in you as part of your birthright as God’s son. But also, God is in the world—because you are in the world. God’s work in the world is not some vague, squishy thing; it’s an outworking of His Spirit in your everyday life.

What does God want to do in and through you? Christian men often wrestle with that question. The answer is twofold:
  1. Give yourself over to the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Let God use you to transform the world with His good news.

This is the big idea of Overflow: God works in us and through us to change the world around us. Join Kenny Luck, a spirit-filled men’s ministry leader, in this mission briefing to prepare you for the privilege of working with God to change the world.

