New Group, Fresh Start

New Group, Fresh Start

Set ground rules. You don't need many. Here are two:
First, you'll want to commit, as a group, to see this through to completion. Significant spiritual growth happens when group members spend enough time together to really get to know each other.

Second, agree together that everyone's story is important. Time is probably the most valuable commodity today, so be sure to give ample time for each person to express concerns and insights and feel like a participating member of the group.

Meet regularly. Choose a regular time and place and stick to it.

Let God lead. Each time you get together, guess who else is in the room? That's right—God. Be sensitive to how He is leading. Seek His direction, before, during, and after your meeting.

Talk openly. As the leader, you set the pace. Don't neglect what brings you to this group-the desire to be known and to find meaning for your life. Dip your feet in the water of honest discussion. Healing can often be found there.

Follow up. Be accountable to each other and refer to previous lessons. Take time to review each week and see how each other is doing. Pray for each other between meetings. Call group members as God brings them to mind.

Group Leader Tips taken from Living the Letters: Ephesians NavStudy. © 2007, by The Navigators. All Rights Reserved.