Finding and Growing New Leaders

Finding and Growing New Leaders

• The conscientious. Who is always on time? Who is always prepared? This person is committed and takes the group seriously.
• The sincere. Who demonstrates the ability to apply spiritual lessons to her own life? She will be able to lead others to do the same.
• The transparent. Does your potential leader demonstrate a willingness to share openly and honestly?
• The receptive. A leader must let others speak. Who demonstrates good listening skills?
• The respected. Look for the person others seek out for advice and counsel.

If someone demonstrates at least a few of these qualities, it's time for these next steps.

1. Tell the person about the qualities you see in her.
2. Encourage her to pray about whether God is calling her into greater involvement.
3. Give her an opportunity to lead in a small way, perhaps by soliciting prayer requests.
4. Trade places for a meeting. She leads. You participate. This lets her discover she can do it but with the reassurance that you are there if she gets stuck.
5. Follow up immediately. Evaluate the meeting with her. Give plenty of positive feedback. Help her with those areas she perceives as troublesome.

Repeat the last two steps as necessary. Eventually your trainee will have the confidence to lead a group of her own.

Marilyn Yocum - Copyright © 1999, Discipleship Journal, a publication of NavPress and The Navigators. All Rights Reserved.