Verse Analysis
As a teacher, this is a great method to use to kick start your preparation time for your next group study.
This Bible study method comes to us from Rick Warren. Taken from, Discipleship Journal's Best Bible Study Methods.
The idea is to work systematically through a passage or chapter of the Bible. One of the best systems for doing so is this verse-by-verse analysis Bible study method. In this type of study you'll examine a passage of Scripture in detail by asking questions, finding cross-references, and paraphrasing each verse. You'll then record a personal application for each verse that you study. Here is the outline of the steps.
Step One: Paraphrase the Verse
Step Two: List Questions, Answers and Observations
Step Three: Cross-Reference the Verse
Step Four: Record Creative Insights
Step Five: Determine Personal Application
Tip adapted from Disipleship Journal's Best Bible Study Methods © 2002 by The Navigators. All rights reserved.