Some questions to assess your group
Here are some key questions you can ask yourself and the other group members in an attempt to discern if your small group is heading in the right direction.
1. Do your group members talk comfortably about spiritual matters?
2. Do your group members pray regularly with one another?
3. Are your group members active in seeking biblical lifestyle?
4. Are group members able to disagree without being disagreeable?
5. Do your group members have healthy self-images?
6. Are your group members open to constructive criticism?
7. Do your group members linger after the meetings to talk?
8. Do your group members spend time with each other outside group meetings?
9. Do your group members turn to each other in dealing with difficult times?
10. Does your group meet in a comfortable location?
Tip excerpted from the Small Group Archives of NavPress, © 2003, by The Navigators. All Rights Reserved