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Five Traits of a Christ-follower

Author:  Doug Nuenke
ISBN:  9781631464553
Publisher:  Navpress
Published:  2015
Pages:  79
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What distinguishes a follower of Jesus? The contributors to Five Traits of a Christ Follower—each with a long history of knowing Jesus and making him known—see five “core competencies” as critical to authentic discipleship; growing in relationship with God, knowing and living from the Scriptures, engaging those who don’t know Christ, living in community with other believers, and equipping others to follow Christ. Spend a month with a master class of disciple-makers, and find yourself growing in your capacity, and your enthusiasm, for following Christ.

Foreword by Jerry Bridges. Contributors from The Navigators and friends include Jen Hatmaker, Len Sweet, Jane Kirkpatrick, and others.

Table of Contents:
Introduction:  Getting Caught Up in the Love and Purposes of God
Trait 1:  Walking with Jesus
Trait 2:  Knowing and Living the Scriptures
Trait 3:  Participating in Community
Trait 4:  Engaging with Those Who Don't Know Christ
Trait 5:  Reproducing Spiritual Generations
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