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LifeChange Series - Proverbs

Author: The Navigators
Publisher: Navpress
ISBN: 9780891093480
Year Printed:
Sale$16.79 $17.63 with TAX
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Christians have a lifelong goal: To become like Christ. This involves change, and change isn't always easy. But the more you know of God's purposes for you, the more you can experience His joy and participate in His plan.
The LifeChange Series of Bible studies on books of the Bible can help you grow in Christlikeness through a life-changing encounter with God's Word. You'll benefit in these important ways: You'll gain a firm understanding of the book - its historical context, purpose, structure and meaning; You'll apply its powerful, relevant wisdom to needs and issues you are currently working through; and You'll acquire personal study skills and a thirst to return to the book on your own - so you can keep going deeper into its life-transforming truths.

The book of Proverbs contains a wealth of practical wisdom for everyday living. Its teachings are timeless, and they provide helpful guidelines on almost every aspect of personal conduct imaginable, including: goodness, folly, sin, wealth and poverty, the tongue, pride and humility, justice, vengeance, strife, gluttony, love, lust, laziness, friendships, the family, life, and death.


Part 1 - Foundations: Wisdom versus Folly
1.  Wisdom Benefits (1:1-7, 1:20-2:10)
Chart of Proverbs
2.  Wisdom Benefits Continued (3:1-4 - 4:27)
3.  The Futility of Folly
Part 2 - Perspectives of Wisdom
4.  God and Man
5.  The Family
6.  Friendship
7.  Sexual Purity
8.  The Blessings of Righteousness
9.  Humility versus Pride
10.Hard Work versus Laziness
11.Proper Speech
13.Wealth and Poverty
14.Life and Death
15.Looking Back (Challenge & Review)
Study Aids
NoteWe found it most useful as a leaders' guide, because it gathered all the relevant verses together. We used these verses and printed them out on a page so that we had them all together at once (instead of flipping through the Bible constantly). Then we used the questions from the LC series as a guide for the leader. Sometimes the questions were spot-on, whereas sometimes they fell flat. Our group didn't respond as well to the "ice-breaker" elements, but overall it was very useful.
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