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Funding Your Ministry -- Updated Edition

Author: Scott Morton
Publisher: Navpress
ISBN:  9781631466847
Pages: 249
Year Printed: 2017, 3rd Edition
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A biblical  strategy to finance your ministry.

How many potential missionaries never reach their field because raising support seems too difficult? How many Christian leaders abandon their ministry before it starts because of fundraising frustration?

It happens too often. But it doesn't have to.

Funding Your Ministry helps ministry workers and their partners break through the financial barriers holding them back from full-time ministry. Whether you are experienced at fundraising or just starting out, Funding Your Ministry will help you
  • discover the biblical path for recruiting and retaining donor support,
  • develop a strategy to reach full support that lasts long-term
  • avoid the common pitfalls that inhibit your fundraising, and
  • learn how to manage your money well.
Both fundraisers and their supporters will gain valuable insights from Scott Morton as he shares his  own struggles, failures, and victories in raising support. Learn from his experience in this comprehensive guide and find the financial freedom you need to respond fully to God's call.


Section One - As You Begin
  1. Half-Truths I Believed: My Total Fundraising Makeover
  2. Obstacles: Know What's Holding You Back
  3. Questions of Conscience: Understanding the Biblical Basis for Raising Support
  4. Ten Crucial Attitudes You Must Not Neglect
Section Two - Developing Your Strategy
  1. Six Bad Assumptions
  2. Three Benchmarks for an Effective Strategy
  3. Social Media and Email in Fundraising: Cake or Frosting?
  4. How to Set Your Fundraising Strategy
Section Three - Effectively and Respectfully Asking
  1. How to Ask
  2. Phoning: Setting Up a Fundraising Appointment
  3. How to Make a Face-to-Face Appeal
  4. How to Appeal to Major Donors
  5. Appealing to Churches
  6. How to Write Appeals for Cash: Print and Electronic

Section Four - Ministering to Your Giving Partners

  1. Donor Ministry: Bringing Your Givers Closer to You and to the Lord
  2. Write Newsletters People Love to Read

Section Five - Especially for You

  1. Especially for Organizational Leaders
  2. Especially for Pastors and Missions Committees
  3. Especially for Overseas Missionaries
  4. Especially for Short-Termers
  5. Especially for Single Women Missionaries and Their Supervisors
  6. Especially for Gospel-Workers of Color and Their Supervisors

Section Six - Biblical Financial Management for Gospel-Workers

  1. Money: Kingdom View or Cultural View? Six Benchmarks Reveal Your Financial Values
  2. Money Management: Four Money Words Your Must Know Well
  3. Lessons from Fundraising History
  4. Stories from Others

Introduction to the Online Appendix


One of the most practical and needful books that I have ever seen. - Dr. Howard Foltz, president and founder of Accelerating International Mission Strategies.

If you raise support, then Funding Your Ministry is a must-read. - Ellis Goldstein, director of ministry partner development for Cru.

Funding Your Ministry has been tested in the fire of experience with hundreds of our Navigator staff. It works. This is the best resource I have seen - a must for those who raise financial support. - Jerry E. White, PHD, International president emeritus of The Navigators


"We have been fully funded for at least six years and now have savings where we used to have debt - big debt. We know what to do to raise funds and don't question our 'call' like we used to when we were underfunded. We know how to trust God with our fears. We know God better."
A Participant in a Navigator 4:10 fundraising School

"The biblical studies on how God funds His work have been the single most important ingredient in my training. Through Bible study, reflection and wrestling with other missionaries on these issues, my convictions began to form."
A Participant in a Navigator 4:10 fundraising School

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