From devastating natural disasters to deadly highway accidents, tragedies occur every day both around the world and in our own lives. Is God really in control? Now best-selling author Jerry Bridges helps answer that question positively, offering comfort and hope by exploring the greater purposes and Person of God.
Adapted from Trusting God, this book helps readers respond to little disappointments and big tragedies, and believe in God's wisdom, love, and sovereignty in the midst of them.
CONTENTS:"If God is in control, why did that happen?" We all have had those
times in our lives where we experience tragedy, pain, disaster or many
other forms of heartache and adversity. In his latest book, Is God
Really in Control, author Jerry Bridges asks some of the questions
we often want to ask and gives thought provoking questions for
discussion at the end of each chapter. Bridges uses scripture as well as
numerous quotes to demonstrate that God is in control and that He does
use all events ultimately for good. This book is suitable for individual
or small group study for anyone who has faced adversity (haven't we
all) and could be a great help in overcoming these hard times.