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On Our Own

Author: Lela Gilbert
Publisher: Navpress
ISBN: 9781600061011
Pages: 151
Year Printed: 2007
Help and Hope for Single Moms
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Get past "what might have been" and look toward "what can be."

Today's single moms find it increasingly difficult to juggle the demands of a full-time job, raising children, and finding time to keep themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy.

Author and single mother Lela Gilbert believes that you can apply a common-sense solution to this delemma: Get your life in order first, which then allows you to better help your children.

  • Improve your parenting skills using fifteen proven principles
  • Manage finances and obtain legal help
  • Find friends and a friendly church
  • Forgive others and yourself

By focusing on eight core personal challenges, Lela provides practical guidance and a welcome dose of hope and encouragment. As you learn to trust God with yourself and your children, you can gain a new (and much-needed) positive perspective on life as a single mother. Each chapter includes discussion questions for use in small groups or personal reflection.

Introduction: Why a Book for Single Moms?
  1. I'm Tired and Sad
  2. I Feel So Alone
  3. The Church is the Last Place I Want to Be
  4. I'll Never Get Over What Happened to Me
  5. Do I Need a Lawyer?
  6. How Am I Supposed to Pay All These Bills?
  7. Will My Kids Be Okay?
  8. Hope for the Future
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