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Lifeguide - Service

Author:  R. Paul Stevens
ISBN:     9780830831067
Publisher:  Intervarsity Press
Year of Publication:  2014
Pages:  80
Subtitle:  Ministry with Heart and Hands - 10 Studies for Individuals or Groups

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This LifeGuide Study includes ten sessions exploring service in a variety of contexts: family, the physical creation, society, the city, neighbors, relationships, the church and the workplace. Looking inside ministry specifically, R. Paul Stevens examines examples of service that were motivated by imagination, passion, faith, hope and love—from Genesis to Revelation. Out of these studies you will discover how to live and serve wholeheartedly. No matter what your profession, you are a full time minister of Jesus Christ.

Table of Contents:
1. Caring for Creation: Adam and Eve Genesis 1:26-2:15
2. Witnessing about Jesus: The Samaritan Woman John 4:1-42
3. Building up the People of God: Priscilla and Aquila Acts 18:18-28
4. Serving with Heart and Hands: Bezalel and Dorcas Exodus 35:30-36:1; Acts 9:32-43
5. Edifying Others Through the Arts: David 2 Samuel 6
6. Encouraging Friends to Find Strength in God: Jonathan 1 Samuel 23:7-18
7. Providing for One’s Family: The Entrepreneurial Woman Proverbs 31:10-31
8. Building Unity: Paul Romans 15:23-33; 1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:10-15
9. Seeking the Welfare of the City: Erastus Jeremiah 29:4-23; Romans 16:23; Acts 19:21-22
10.Doing Something Beautiful for God: Mary Mark 14:1-9


"Looking inside ministry, Stevens examines examples of service that were motivated by imagination, passion, faith, hope and love—from Genesis to Revelation. From these studies readers will discover how to live and serve wholeheartedly with the understanding that no matter their profession, they are full-time ministers for Christ."

Christian Retailing, January 2015

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