Isaiah � We will go through times of trouble and suffering. Sometimes we look at our lives or our world and wonder what good could possible come out of it. That�s exactly what we find in the book of Isaiah. Here you�ll see how the prophet raises a cry for revival in the midst of a rotting society, and you�ll find comfort for your own troubled times.
Part 2 Finding Hope
13. Unwearied Faith in an Unwearying God
� Isa. 40:1-31
14. God�s Servant: Image and Reality � Isa. 42:1-25
15. Rivers in the Desert � Isa. 43:1-44:5
16. Turning to God � Isa. 45:1-25
17. Foundations for Service � Isa. 49:1-18
18. The Heart of the Old Testament �Isa. 52:13-53:12
19. Shout for Joy! � Isa. 54:1-55:13
20. Unfailing Spring � Isa. 58:1-14
21. A Garment of Praise for a Spirit of Despair
� Isa. 61:1-11
22. The Refugees Return � Isa. 62:1-12
23. A Cry for Forgiveness and for
� Isa. 63:7-64:12
24. The Terror and the Glory � Isa. 65:17-66:24
Leader�s notes as well as an Historical Background of Isaiah.