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LifeGuide - 1 Corinthians - The Challenges of Life Together

Author: Paul Stevens & Dan Williams
Publisher: Intervarsity Press
ISBN: 9780830830091
Pages: 95
Year Printed: 2001
13 studies for individuals or groups
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Life among Christians can be great. But let's face it - it can also be exasperating! The joys of fellowship too often give way to division and debate - arguments over such things as the correct form of worship and the place of charismatic gifts. In 1 Corinthians we see Christianity not as it was meant to be but as it often is. Yet we also find practical advice for overcoming the challenges of life together.

  1. Called in Christ: Thankful Together or Falling Apart
  2. Mind of Christ: True Wisdom from the Spirit
  3. Founded on Christ: Working Together with God
  4. Servants of Christ: At the End of the Parade
  5. Members of Christ: The Body Is Meant for the Lord
  6. Devoted to Christ: Marrying When Time Is Short
  7. Living for Christ: The Right to Relinquish Rights
  8. Eating With Christ: All for the Glory of God
  9. Headship of Christ: Truly Worshiping Together
  10. Body of Christ: Manifestations for the Common Good
  11. Love of Christ: The Most Excellent Way
  12. Speaking for Christ: Mature & Orderly Worship
  13. Hope in Christ: The Resurrection & the Life
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