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Courage for the Unknown Season

Author: Jan Silvious
Publisher: Navpress
ISBN: 9781631467882
Year of Publication: 2017
Pages: 199
Subtitle: Navigating What's Next with Confidence and Hope
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You can make it through your unknown seasons.

The changing seasons of life may leave you wondering what you're supposed to do next. Perhaps your child has broken your heart or your spouse has died or an unexpected diagnosis has sent you reeling. The "unknowns" are different for each of us, but the question we ask is the same: How am I going to make it?  In the midst of difficutl seasons, we all need the courage to get through and the hope to find our way home.

Jan Silvious offers wisdom and practical insights from her own life experience. Whether you're struggling to find joy in the midst of grief or figuring out how to make the most of "right now", Jan comes alongside you with a seasoned perspective, a quiet wit, and an unquenchable faith, giving you confidence and hope in the face of the unknown.

  1. Seasons Come and Seasons Go
  2. Resilience
  3. Fight Fear
  4. Don't Forget to Laugh
  5. Why Not?
  6. Letting Go
  7. Head toward Ninety
  8. What about the Children?
  9. Clean Up after Yourself
  10. Grief and Hope


Jan Silvious has a steady perspective on life! She is open and real and can relate. This new book gives us a big dose of practical wisdom for trusting God today and in the future and even for laughing at the future. Jan encourages us to squeeze out life's joys to make a difference for ourselves and others we love. - Debbie Petersen Missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ for 34 years.

Jan is not afraid of the heat in life, whether it shows up as aging, grief, or a scorching heartbreak. Her well-researched material will feed your soul and help equip you for the season you're in. - Patsy Clairmont, Speaker and author of You Are More Than You Know.

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