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Transformational Groups

Author: Ed Stetzer and Eric Geiger
Publisher : B&H
ISBN : 9781433683305
Year: 2014
Pages: 210
Sub-Title : Creating a New Scorecard for Groups
Price$22.50 $23.63 with TAX
God declared through the apostle Paul that the church would be a place of transformation.  In 2 Corinthians 5:17 we find, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creations; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come, Despite this, the church seems increasingly to be a place where transformations fails to occur.

Surveying the landscape, however, there are some bright spots where churches are faithfully producing transformed disciples.  Furthermore, as shown in Scripture and supported by new research, God designed such transformation to often happen in the context of smaller groups of people.

But what characteristics are true of churches that are making transformed disciples through group-based ministry-whether small groups, missional communities, Sunday school, or some other expression of groups ?

In Transformational Groups, Ed Stetzer and ERic Geiger have created a new scorecard that will provide a map to transformational success for your church's groups ministry.  Using data from the largest survey of pastors and laypersons ever done on the condition of groups in the church, they define a simple process to lead your groups from where they are to where God wants them to be.


  1. Transformational Group Manifesto
  2. Trees Don't Move the Wind
  3. A Discipleship Deficit
  4. Integration
  5. The Right Leaders
  6. Group Practices
  7.  Multiply
  8. Connect with Disconnected People
  9. Imagine the Possibilities
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