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Seize The Day

Author: Charles Ringma
Publisher: Navpress
ISBN: 9781576832165
Pages: 365
Year Printed: 2000
With Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Sale$16.79 $17.63 with TAX
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365 Daily Readings

Some Talk About The Cost Of Following Christ, Dietrich Benhoeffer Paid The Price.
Deitrich Bonhoeffer's faith-driven resistance to the Nazis during World War II resulted in his execution. Multitudes have been inspired by the hauntingly powerful words of this man who was willing to die for his convictions. In this collection of 365 meditations, Dr. Charles Ringma allows us to experience the power of Bonhoeffer's words in a way that challenges us to live out our discipleship daily -- combining personal spirituality with an active concern for those around us. These daily mediations on Bohnoeffer's writings may make you uncomfortable. But if you are willing to wrestle -- as Bonhoeffer did -- with what it means to be a follower of Christ, you'll be empowered to seize each day.

Cr. Charles Ringma is a Dutch-born Australian citizen trained at Reformed Theological College in Victoria. He has served as a community worker among the Aborigines and among the poor in Manila. He is currently a professor of missions and evangelism at Regent College, Vancouver, BC. He is also the author of Dare To Journey with Henri Nouwen and Resist The Powers with Jacques Ellul (both Pinon Press).

Book Dimensions: 15 x 11 cm.
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